
Tips to Make Your Clothes Last Longer

These days you may have some extra time on your hands while working from home and with spring upon us there’s no time like the present to learn ways to make your clothes last longer. After all, when you invest in quality items you want them to last.

Rotate your clothes by season. Store your seasonal clothing in bins if you don’t have room in your closet. Make sure you launder your clothes before storing.

Read the care labels on your clothes. Labels tell you how best to launder, dry clean and store your clothes.

Hang your suits and dress shirts on cedar wood hangers. The cedar acts as a repellent for moths and absorbs moisture.

Use a suit brush to clean your suit jackets and pants after each wear to get rid of dirt and food.

Keep your suits smelling fresh by placing a scented sachet in the pockets when they’re hanging in the closet.

Fold your sweaters instead of hanging them. Even lightweight sweaters will stretch on a hanger. And don’t forget to remove the pills on your sweaters using an electric sweater razor.

Keep your jeans from fading by washing them inside-out in cold water, and then letting them air-dry.

Install a tie rack in your closet and unknot your ties before hanging them to avoid creating creases in the fabric.

When storing your leather belts, it’s best to hang them on a belt rack to avoid curling the leather and damaging the seam.

Use shoe trees in your dress shoes. They will maintain the shape of your shoes, prevent the leather from warping or cracking, and absorb any excess moisture.

Buy a shoe-shine kit. Shining your shoes will protect the leather from dirt, salt and moisture.

When storing your dress socks it’s best to fold them and not tuck them inside each other to avoid stretching out the elastic.

Use a tailor for minor repairs or alterations. It will save you money versus having to fully replace pieces of clothing.

Don’t over-wash your clothes. Jeans and sweaters don’t need to be washed after every use, and suits will last longer if you avoid dry cleaning after every wear.

I hope you found these tips useful. Remember, it’s always best to buy quality items because with proper care they will last you much longer.

Alla prossima – until next time. Arrivederci.

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